Paving the Path to a Positive Impact
Paving the Path To a Positive Impact
Our Commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development
Goals: The Road to 2030
Setting the Stage
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations members, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet. Starting now and into the future, The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an urgent call for action by all countries in global partnership.
The UN recognizes that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand in hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.
Gemological Science International (GSI) is committed to mobilizing its vast scientific, social and cultural expertise and resources to address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). GSI has, and will continue to engage resources on actionable and solution-based goals that will lead to tangible, sustainable developments.
Who Is GSI?
Founded in 2005, Gemological Science International (GSI) is one of the largest gemological organizations in the world. With 13 laboratories spanning four continents including Belgium; Botswana; Dubai; Hong Kong; India; Israel; and the United States, GSI is at the forefront of global gemological and scientific innovation, as well as global social and environmental needs and developments.
GSI’s Commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Gemological Science International (GSI)’s commitment to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals focuses on community outreach; gender equality; diversity and inclusion; environmental protection; development projects; industry innovation, as well as human rights and decent work.
In alignment with this, GSI is fully dedicated to the following SDGs. GSI commenced its ‘Path To A Positive Impact’ initiative in 2020 and will be continually growing its investment in the program through 2030, as detailed below.
1 – No Poverty
2 – Zero Hunger
3 – Good Health & Well-being
4 – Quality Education
5 – Gender Equality
6 – Clean Water & Sanitation
8 – Decent Work & Economic Growth
9 – Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure
10 – Reduced Inequalities
11 – Sustainable Cities & Communities
12 – Responsible Consumption & Production
13 – Climate Action
15 – Life on Land
Beginning in 2020 GSI will implement new procedures, policies, and programs to work towards fulfilling the goals set out by the UN.
2021 – 2023
In the first three years GSI is committed to rolling out all SDG Initiatives on a global basis. Whether that be Entrepreneurship Programs, Local Initiatives, or Jewelry Courses
2024 – 2026
With the new programs and initiatives in place, GSI will focus on refining the Internship Programs, and the Global Courses. GSI will be looking to expand on the programs that work and reforming the ones that don’t.
2028 – 2029
Satisfied with the initial programs in place, GSI can focus on rolling out new initiatives pertaining to specific SDG’s, for example, Life and Land; and Climate Action. GSI will look at expanding the efforts they are making towards these goals and begin bringing in new initiatives that fall in line with those goals.
After ten years GSI will have met the guidelines of the UN and hopefully have impacted and made a real change in helping the planet we inhabit to be a better place to live for all peoples.
GSI’s Path To A Positive Impact Initiatives
GSI’s Gemological Entrepreneurs Around the World Scholarship Program and Jewelry Course
As the leading provider and creator of gemological science education initiatives both for the diamond industry and consumers, GSI values quality education above all else. For this reason, GSI created the ‘Laboratory Entrepreneurs Around the World’ scholarship and mentoring program, where courses will be provided to aspiring professionals giving them the opportunity to learn how to be a diamond grader, or lab technician, as well as courses on jewelry design. Upon successful program completion participants will receive an internship at GSI.
How it Works:
- Courses will be provided to teach individuals of all ages in each of GSI’s market areas how to become a laboratory technician, or diamond grader in one of GSI’s state-of-the-art labs.
- Upon successful program completion, all participants receive a certificate and internship opportunity at GSI or job placement assistance.
- GSI’s staff and executives will mentor select program participants for four years after the program is completed to enable them to continue to develop and perhaps even expand their business.
- Upon completion of the Jewelry design courses GSI will then help the young entrepreneurs to sell the jewelry globally through their website––promoting all brands through their social media platforms, enabling these budding entrepreneurs to reach millions of people around the world.
- Each piece of jewelry sold will be accompanied by a brochure that includes information about how customers can make additional donations, which GSI will match dollar for dollar
GSI’s Employees Are Active In their Community
Around the world, Gemological Science International will give each of their employees one paid day off per month to volunteer with a local or global charitable organization, that focuses on at least two of the SDGs GSI has committed to working towards. This totals more than 50,000 hours of GSI paid time off for employees to give back.
GSI’s Regional Initiatives:
- Each global region has specific social, economic, and environmentally sustainable needs to ensure a prosperous future. To help meet these needs, GSI will also create and implement charitable initiatives in the country of each of their home offices.
For example, the Joy boxes, Tree Planting, and volunteering.
Regional Employee Volunteer Efforts:
- GSI will also create and implement charitable initiatives in the home country of each of their offices based on their communities’ unique sustainable needs. GSI started these initiatives as far back as 2014, but are now leveling up the initiative, on a ‘path to a positive impact’ to 2030.
GSI’s Path to a Positive Impact Global Impacts
1 – No Poverty
- Starting in 2014 GSI employees began donating ‘boxes of joy’ that contain basic, yet essential items such as clothing and educational games once per month in their local communities in several offices. This project will be expanded to all offices globally by 2030.
- Additionally GSI Employees will volunteer in local charities each month that contribute to ending poverty in their local communities making an impact worldwide.
2 – Zero Hunger
- To help eliminate world hunger, GSI will donate annually to food banks around the world. As well as Volunteer in their local communities at food banks or events to help stop World hunger.
3 – Good Health & Well-being
- GSI will donate PPE to hospitals and medical services. In order to get better access to health care and wellness for all communities. Specifically focusing on impoverished communities.
4 – Quality Education
- GSI will offer courses to young entrepreneurs in their local communities. These courses will provide instruction on what it takes to be a diamond grader or lab technician, as well as jewelry design. The courses will then lead to internship opportunities at GSI
5 – Gender Equality
- GSI has always been committed to providing equal opportunity in all departments regardless of gender, and will continue to improve upon this. As well, GSI will expand on the courses they are providing to help women in impoverished communities learn jewelry design.
6 – Clean Water & Sanitation
- GSI is committed to providing clean drinking water for residents in each region annually. Whether that be in donating to organizations, volunteering, or helping to spread awareness.
9 – Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure
- GSI will lead virtual sustainable business seminars from their Botswana office, teaching other local business owners how to incorporate sustainable business practices. This will be used for all offices and regions to make an impact globally.
10 – Reduced Inequalities
- In 2020 in India, GSI commenced holding educational seminars for local women where they were taught marketable skills such as jewelry cleaning and jewelry making. This initiative is one GSI is working to expand to other offices to help impoverished communities globally.
11 – Sustainable Cities & Communities
- GSI’s employees will plant trees in urban areas, in addition to leading annual street cleaning efforts. For example, in India, GSI’s local Mumbai office employees will continue to clean the city streets monthly, an endeavor dating back to 2014.
12- Responsible Consumption & Production
- Sustainable Business Seminars: GSI will offer recycling programs and energy efficiency courses in their offices for employees and local partner companies. In addition, GSI will also donate solar panels for small businesses.
13. Climate Action
- GSI will dedicate funds throughout the world to tackle unique natural disaster risks. This includes wild animal preservation in Botswana, Hong Kong wildfire, flooding and storm protection, earthquake and forest fire damage prevention in Israel, and forest fire prevention in the United States.
15 – Life on Land
- In an effort to protect, restore & promote sustainable ecosystems. GSI will plant native flowers, fruits, and vegetables in all their office regions as well as support animal rights causes.
Just the Beginning
Gemological Science International (GSI) is honored to take these first steps in paving the path to positive impact in alignment with the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
This is just the beginning of GSI’s use of its vast scientific, social, and cultural expertise and resources to preserve our environment.
GSI stands united with the United Nations in the recognition that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand in hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans, forests, and ultimately our planet.