About GSI

GSI Diamond Certification-usa

Why We Founded Gemological Science International (GSI)

The diamond grading industry is populated by gemological laboratories that are virtually indistinguishable. In this “alphabet soup” of grading labs, diamonds are graded by hand and eye – an ultimately subjective assessment. While this continues to be standard practice for all laboratories, GSI has enhanced this process by adding advanced technology and intelligent software.

We at GSI have a vision: to create a modern, state-of-the-art diamond grading lab that takes advantage of the latest breakthroughs in diamond grading. To do this, we reengineered the diamond grading process and founded it on foolproof cutting-edge technology and automation. The result is diamonds that are graded to the highest standards.

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How We Are Different

Proprietary software is at the heart of GSI’s diamond grading process. This state-of-the-art software reduces the chances of human error by automating the grading process.

The same ethos behind our grading philosophy guides our global expansion efforts and informs the interactions between our offices. All our offices constantly exchange information and knowledge, allowing us to continually improve our operations and ensure the highest quality of diamond grading.


The four pillars

The Four Pillars of GSI’s operations are integrity, innovation, professional service and shared research & education.
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Management team

The Gemological Science International management team is lead by Mark Gershburg, an industry veteran who has a quarter of a century experience in the gem lab industry.
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GSI and its executives support and actively participate in leading industry organizations around the world.
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