Carat weight refers to the weight of a diamond, and it is often used as a measure of a diamond’s size. This video will cover why diamonds that weigh the same may not look the same, the origin of the use of the “carat” to measure gemstone weight, and why carat one of the 4 Cs.

Carat weight is important because it can have a significant impact on a diamond’s value and overall appearance. Generally speaking, larger diamonds are more valuable than smaller diamonds, and they also tend to be more impressive in terms of their appearance. However, carat weight is not the only factor that determines a diamond’s value or appearance, as factors such as cut, color, and clarity can also play important roles. Ultimately, the decision to buy a diamond is a personal one, and carat weight is one of the many factors to consider when making a purchase.

Learn more about carat weight in this short video from GSI

Carat Weight Elementor 2

4 C's

Carat Weight

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